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Performance-based Seismic Evaluations
by Ardalan Sabamehr, P.Eng., Ph.D.
Key terms
Seismic Evaluations, Performance-based
The issue of seismic vulnerability assessment and rehabilitation of underperforming existing buildings is a very important and complex problem, especially in seismic-prone areas for buildings that were constructed before modern seismic codes...
Mode Shape Curvature
by Ardalan Sabamehr, Ph.D.
Key terms
Structural Modelling, Mode Shape Curvature, Damage Detection
The mode shape curvature is an efficient technique in identifying damage by using the mode shapes of the structure. The curvature is related to the flexural stiffness of the beam’s cross-section. If a crack or other damage is introduced in a structure, it reduces its flexural stiffness (EI) at its cracked section. ...
Seismic Retrofit
by Rania Bedair, Ph.D. P.Eng.
Key terms
FEMA P-547, Seismic Force, Structural Retrofitting
A considerable number of buildings in North America present a risk of poor performance during an earthquake event as they were constructed prior to seismic design codes or the available code used was immature and presents flaws. discontinuity...
Soft Storey Identification Using Storey Drift
by Ardalan Sabamehr, Ph.D.
Key terms
Soft Storeys, Seismic Force, Earthquake Risk
A large number of moment frame buildings have been constructed for specific purposes and may contain a large area for parking, reception lobbies, etc. These kinds of open spaces void of any infill walls are called soft storey buildings. Storeys with these kinds of open spaces are considered as having stiffness discontinuity...
Non-Structural Components
by Rania Bedair, Ph.D. Eng
Key terms
Non-Structural Components, Seismic Mitigation, Earthquake Risk
Potential economic losses from damages to structures due to earthquakes can reach billions of dollars in densely populated areas. For instance, the total direct economic losses of $25 billion due to damaged buildings were paid by the government and private insurance sources for recovery and reconstruction in California...
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